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Lucky's Crash Landing
Lucky's Crash Landing
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Is Lucky really lucky? He gets into more accidents than anyone you'll ever meet. Sidewalk cracks reach out and grab his shoes. Steps suddenly disappear under his feet. His father is in a business that checks out disasters, so they travel from place to place in their motor home. Lucky can always make new friends at church and at school, but he has to say good-bye to them a few weeks later. Most people would say he's unlucky.
Ron Ladd, Lucky's father, insists that no one is luckier. The worst accidents don't seem to affect Lucky much. So when they come to Shoreside, California, after an ocean storm has hit the town, he brings his brand of luck with him. You'll have to find out for yourself what happens to the school (it's lucky to still be standing).
Lucky also decides to take up skateboarding. He gets to spend lots of time in the air and on the ground. Like when he soars off a seven-foot drop to the beach below. Or when he decides to try jumps on a ramp. He has the kind of luck you hope you never have
Number of Pages: 160
Publishing Date: 1989-01-01
Release Date: 1989-01-01
Series Name: Lucky Ladd
Series Number: Book 1 of 10
Size: 5 x 7.5