The Testimony Glove

The Testimony Glove, , large image number 0
The Testimony Glove, , large image number 1
The Testimony Glove, , large image number 2
The Testimony Glove, , large image number 1
The Testimony Glove, , large image number 2
The Testimony Glove, , large image number 3

The Testimony Glove

no. 5044695
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The Testimony Glove

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Help your children learn the basic truths of a testimony!Based on the true experience of Susan L. Warner, former counselor in the Primary general presidency, this children's picture book tells the story of a girl who learns from her father what a testimony is. To help her understand how to express her testimony, her father uses his hand to teach her the five parts of a testimony in a way she can remember.Along with the story, the book invites young Latter-day Saints to practice sharing their testimonies using the enclosed glove with pictures that attach to the end of each finger. The glove represents the Holy Ghost. There are pictures representing Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, the temple, and our current prophet, President Thomas S. Monson.*Royalties from the sale of this book assist in providing testimony gloves to children in developing countries.A glove is included with every book.
Publishing Date: 2014-05-16
Release Date: 2014-05-16