Precious (3x4 Print)

Precious (3x4 Print), , large image number 0
Precious (3x4 Print), , large image number 1

Precious (3x4 Print)

no. 5056717
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Precious (3x4 Print)

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Holding a new baby in your arms, the only way to describe him or her is precious. Their tiny hands grasping at everything; their wide eyes taking in the world; their toothless grins that melt your heart... babies are truly treasures. They are most precious to the Savior because they are His. He purchased them with His own blood. When Jesus takes a baby in His arms, He sees beyond that tiny fragile body to the possibilities, the potential, the destiny of that child.. both in this life and in the world to come. An eternal destiny made possible through His sacrifice. We hold precious that which we sacrifice for. He holds most precious that which He sacrificed for the most.
Publishing Date: 2014-05-16
Release Date: 2014-05-16