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Alive in Christ: The Miracle of Spiritual Rebirth
Alive in Christ: The Miracle of Spiritual Rebirth
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Have ye spiritually been born of God? asks the prophet Alma. "Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?" (Alma 5:14). These questions, posed in 83 B.C. to the people of Zarahemla in ancient America, have everlasting relevance to us today. But how are we "born of God"? Does it happen in a moment, or is it a lengthy process? How exactly do we become "alive in Christ"? In this thoughtful and perceptive book, author Robert Millet answers these and other questions, explaining the miracle of spiritual rebirth. The author shows us how we can escape the pull of the "natural man," warning: "There is no deliverance from this sickness to be found in pop psychology or in transcendental meditation. Willpower will not cut it; sheer grit and determination are not sufficient. The answer is in Christ. In his atonement. In his liberating powers." Citing examples from the scriptures, from the living prophets, and from his own tender experiences as a teacher, a priesthood leader, and a husband and father, Brother Millet teaches us how to surrender our stony hearts and gain a new heart through the Atonement. And he describes the blessings, gifts, signs, and wonders that are inherited by those who truly embrace the Savior. The message of this inspiring book is that a broken heart and a contrite spirit are obtainable. By the grace of God and through submission on our part, there is a way to enjoy the miracle of spiritual rebirth, secure a lasting testimony, and become alive in Christ.