Heart to Heart Stacking Crayon

Heart to Heart Stacking Crayon, , large image number 0
Heart to Heart Stacking Crayon, , large image number 1
Heart to Heart Stacking Crayon, , large image number 1
Heart to Heart Stacking Crayon, , large image number 2

Heart to Heart Stacking Crayon

no. 5138756
5 out of 5 Customer Rating

Heart to Heart Stacking Crayon

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Heart to Heart Stacking Crayon is the amazing stackable crayon set all in one crayon. Each heart has a single colored crayon and is totally interchangeable from the rest. Mix and match the 12 color hearts so you can make your own unique Heart to Heart crayon. And each crayon comes with a fine point so you can make all sorts of detailed coloring projects. And for extra fun, you can mix and match crayons with your friends to make all sorts of fun Heart to Heart stacking creations.