My Turn on Earth Songbook

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My Turn on Earth Songbook

no. 5163135
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My Turn on Earth Songbook

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This all-time favorite musical play, seen by hundreds of thousands of people in many of the most pretigious halls in the United States, is the story of each of us viewed through the eyes of children who see their earthly experience as a grand treasure hunt. Quite suddenly, after many wonderful and not-so-wonderful experiences, the turn on earth is over. Has the treasure been found? Once Upon a Time Heaven I Have a Plan Shout for Joy My Turn on Earth Everbody Ought to Have a Body Choosing My Story The Golden Rule Look for the Little Light Opposition Homesick Where On Earth Can I Find Heaven It Isn't Good to Be Alone/Eternity Is You Angel Lullaby What Does it Take to Make a Family I'm Not Ready Forever My Turn on Earth Finale
Publishing Date: 2014-05-16
Release Date: 2014-05-16