If I Listen with My Heart, I Hear the Savior's Voice

If I Listen with My Heart, I Hear the Savior's Voice, , large image number 0
If I Listen with My Heart, I Hear the Savior's Voice, , large image number 1

If I Listen with My Heart, I Hear the Savior's Voice

no. 5229542
5 out of 5 Customer Rating

Board Book

If I Listen with My Heart, I Hear the Savior's Voice

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Invite the Savior a little nearer to your heart through the tender words of Sally DeFord's beloved song and the beautiful artwork of Greg Olsen and Liz Lemon Swindle. This inspiring book gently shows how Jesus Christ is always with us and works through the Holy Ghost and earthly ministers to bring us peace. The exquisite spirit of this work will bring you to this keepsake again and again.
Publisher: Covenant Communications 2019
Publishing Date: 2014-05-16
Release Date: 2014-05-16
Size: 6 x 7