Book of Mormon Replica, 1830 Leather-bound Edition

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Book of Mormon Replica, 1830 Leather-bound Edition

no. 5252052
3.8 out of 5 Customer Rating


Book of Mormon Replica, 1830 Leather-bound Edition

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"The ONLY 1830 replica bound in leather.”—Steve Rasmussen, Book conservator “The only one with the right color, paper, thickness, weight – everything.”—Steve Blake, Book artisan “The only replica with 50 authentic, accurate features.”—Richard Lloyd Dewey, Historian Master book-binder Ethan Ensign of Scrub Oak Bindery in Salt Lake City, who has restored over 50 copies of the original 1830 edition, endorses this as the best-made, mass-produced 1830 replica. The publisher is the highest quality book replica company, Grandin Artisans / Stratford Books LEATHER COVER – No other mass-produced replica uses leather. (Some replicas claim to, but in testing, their covers show characteristics of 100% plastic – bubbling under high pressure) MOST AUTHENTIC ARTWORK ON SPINE - The only replica with correct lettering and gold lines – plus the correct shade of gold STITCHED BINDING – Pages are sewn, not just glued like most replicas DIGITIZED TEXT from a First Edition copy – Typography and layout are exact to the original, including original “headers” on every page - not all replicas have this ALL TEXT PROPERLY POSITIONED – On every page – not all replicas do MOST ACCURATE PAPER THICKNESS - “The paper thickness is so accurate that the entire 592 page 'text block' measures to within 1/300th of an inch of the original!” says Steve Rasmussen, who has restored numerous 1830 originals MOST ACCURATE PAPER TEXTURE - “Some replicas use cheap paper called 'groundwood.' But this paper's long fibers come closest to the original's cotton-based paper, which had similar, albeit longer fibers. It also comes closest to the original's pH and opacity. It's also the most correct color I've seen – a luscious cream,” he adds. The ONLY replica with CORRECT NUMBER of “end sheets” (blank pages in front and back) MOST ACCURATE WEIGHT - Some replicas are too heavy, some too light (based mostly on the paper); this one is correct Our researchers “dissected” five 1830 originals to analyze every aspect of the books' construction, including weight and size, using a digital scale and digital micrometer to measure everything to within 1 gram and 20/100,000th of an inch, then sought out the most authentic materials available. The cost to produce a replica this accurate – with PAINSTAKING DETAILS for paper, stitching, and leather – far exceeds that for the typical replica. The retail price could be far higher, but the publisher wishes to make it affordable for everyone. Display this CONVERSATION-STARTER at home and work. Show its beauty and share the sacrifices by early church members to bring it about.
Publishing Date: 2014-05-16
Release Date: 2014-05-16