The Gospel according to Matthew: A New Rendition

(prepublication version)
The Gospel according to Matthew: A New Rendition, , large image number 0
The Gospel according to Matthew: A New Rendition, , large image number 1

The Gospel according to Matthew: A New Rendition

(prepublication version)
no. 6020304
3.2 out of 5 Customer Rating
John W. Welch


The Gospel according to Matthew: A New Rendition

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At the beginning of the New Testament stands Matthew’s foundational testimony of Jesus Christ. It documents the fulfillment of many Old Testament scriptures. It details technical interactions of Jesus with the Jewish law. It traces the steps in Jesus’ early organization of the Church, with particular prominence given to Peter. It emphasizes Jesus’ warnings about the end of times and God’s judgment. It concludes with accounts of several eyewitnesses to the resurrection of Jesus. Matthew lists himself as the eighth of the twelve Apostles, with whom he preached the messianic message to the Jews in Judea. One of the earliest disciples, Matthew was able to hear many of the private instructions and public speeches given by Jesus. As a Jewish revenue agent, Matthew would have collected all kinds of taxes, probably including the annual temple tax as well as tithes and offerings. Thus, he takes special interest in legal and numerical details. His going also by the name Levi raises the likelihood that he had ancestry from the priestly tribe of Levi. He was highly literate, knew the Old Testament scriptures in Hebrew and also in Greek, and used many sacred sources which he knew by the letter and also by the heart. Knowing how to write tax documents and receipts, he would have carried a writing kit and would have been ideally suited to keep various records of Jesus and for the early Church. As reflected in the subheadings used in this New Rendition, the Gospel of Matthew includes nine readily identifiable types of materials: 46 events in the life and death of Jesus, 28 steps in the covenantal Sermon on the Mount, 27 instructions given by Jesus to his disciples, 20 parables (ten of which are found only in Matthew), 19 miracles of various kinds, 13 challenges raised by opponents whom Jesus answers, 10 signs given that Jesus was the promised messiah, 5 callings extended by Jesus to the Twelve, as well as the initial genealogy from Abraham down to Joseph, the husband of Jesus’ mother, Mary. This prepublication rendition from the Greek is a joint effort by John W. Welch and Brent J. Schmidt, with the help of many assistants whose skillful contributions are generously acknowledged and sincerely appreciated.