Search Diligently the Words of Isaiah

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Search Diligently the Words of Isaiah

no. 6024387
3.7 out of 5 Customer Rating
Donald W. Parry

Search Diligently the Words of Isaiah

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Anyone who has read the words of Isaiah knows that it can be a confusing experience. Nevertheless, the book of Isaiah is an exceptional, one-of-a-kind book—both in its presentations and in its message about the Savior Jesus Christ and his Atonement. Moreover, the book of Isaiah is significant because it presents the direct words of Jesus Christ throughout its pages, totaling more than two hundred quotations. Truly, Isaiah is an extraordinary work! This volume is designed specifically to help members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints better understand Isaiah’s writings as they testify of Jesus Christ, his mortal ministry, his Second Coming, his millennial reign, and the Restoration of his gospel.In 3 Nephi 23:1, Jesus Christ set forth the command to “search these things [Isaiah’s writings] diligently.” But for many, Isaiah’s teachings are confusing, making this commandment a difficult one to keep. This introductory volume unlocks the barriers to understanding Isaiah, helping Latter-day Saints understand and appreciate Isaiah’s words. This volume details who Isaiah was, explains why his words are so important, gives cultural and historical context to his writings, and provides keys to decipher the many literary devices he used in his writing. But most importantly, it gives readers of Isaiah the context and tools they need to fully understand his powerful testimony of Jesus Christ.
Author: Donald W. Parry
Number of Pages: 258