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Making Sense of Isaiah: Insights and Modern Applications
Making Sense of Isaiah: Insights and Modern Applications
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Isaiah’s writings have been described as the “Brussels sprouts of the scriptures.” We know they’re good for us — the Savior commanded us to “search” them “diligently” — but some of us read them reluctantly, hurriedly . . . or not at all. Perhaps we’re overwhelmed by the complexity of the writing, frightened by its style, or confused by its ancient context and language. More than any other book, this simple volume makes Isaiah understandable, applicable, and teachable. It provides a brief overview of each chapter to help readers understand the context and content of the writings, then presents an example of one latter-day application or fulfillment for each chapter. This approachable book will enable readers to actually enjoy studying this remarkable prophet’s writings and help them to ponder other applications and fulfillments in our day.