Wherefore, Ye Must Press Forward

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Wherefore, Ye Must Press Forward, , large image number 1

Wherefore, Ye Must Press Forward

no. 2257007
5 out of 5 Customer Rating

Wherefore, Ye Must Press Forward

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When one is baptized, he officially becomes a disciple of Jesus Christ. This discipleship involves constant challenges as man strives to follow His example and become perfect as He has commanded. Wherefore, Ye Must Press Forward deals with some of the requirements and obligations of those who would follow Christ's teachings. It offers direction for the disciple, guidelines and methods for living a more Christlike life, and hope and encouragement to all who struggle to stay on "the straight and narrow path." Elder Neal A. Maxwell perceptively and specifically defines many of the stumbling blocks in the road to perfection, bringing them into focus so they can be dealt with effectively. His approach is straightforward, easily understood, and easily applied. "Can one be in the midst of great knowledge and be insensitive to its implications, leaving it unsearched and unappreciated?" Elder Maxwell asks. His answer: "Quite as easily as some can be in the midst of beauty which they leave unsavored." This book is an invaluable guide in the quest for the greatest knowledge available to man—the knowledge of Christ.