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Just Let Go
Just Let Go
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In the face of tragedy, Chris Williams made the most important decision of his life. On a cold night in 2007, a devoted father of four and a seventeen-year-old drunk driver both received life sentences. In one violent, devastating instant, each face a drastically different future. But as Chris Williams sat in a demolished vehicle, realizing that his wife, unborn baby, nine-year-old daughter, and eleven-year-old son had just been killed, he committed to do something extraordinary: he would forgive. Chris Williams' story is the cinematic tale of how someone can forgive despite the desire for revenge that surfaces within the dark corners of the human heart—showing the world that hope, love and forgiveness can overcome all when you just let go. Bonus Features Archbishop Desmond Tutu's Forgiveness Challenge "Rise and Fall" music video from Ryan Innes (NBC's The Voice) Just Let Go—A forgiveness discussion with Delilah Region: All regions Running Time: 106 min. Subtitles: English, Spanish, Portuguese Format: Widescreen MY WITNESS, MY TESTIMONY— AN INVITATION FROM CHRIS WILLIAMSI would invite those who need to forgive others, or to forgive themselves, to "just let go" of that which can't be controlled, and focus instead on what can be; our decision to have faith in Jesus Christ, assured that we will obtain his peace. No offense can ever take that choice from us. Many have wondered why I would agree to have something so personally painful recreated in a movie. Part of the Saviors healing in my life has blessed me with a different perspective on that scene. My experience with the Savior and the Spirit while still seated in the car after the impact and while laying on my back in the emergency room is now as sacred to me as if I had been standing on mount Sinai or in a holy sanctuary. The confirmation that my wife and children are safe in paradise, combined with the personal instruction I received that night have changed my perspective forever. It helps me to weekly remember the healing and hope of Christ’s atonement even though that involved recounting the cruelty of the cross and the admonition to endure our own. When I contemplate the warnings against pride, contention and revenge from Book of Mormon prophets to us in our day, I feel that forgiveness, hope and healing can keep us from the societal self-destruction that claimed two civilizations they wrote about. This movie is an inspiring and hopeful depiction that faith in Christ, hope for a better day, and charity motivated by His enduring love for the one can keep us anchored when the storms of life rage around us. The enabling power of grace can give us with strength to forgive while experiencing His miraculous ability to heal. Trusting that ultimately no one can escape consequence, there is freedom in forgiveness that propels us through the powerful emotions that come when we are offended, without having them stop our healing. As I reflect back on the years since the crash, I am consistently reminded that, as a disciple of Jesus Christ, I am nothing, and He is everything. Just let go, move forward, and be healed. —Chris Williams