General Bookshelf Support

How to Access eBooks and Audiobooks

When you purchase or access eBooks and audiobooks, they will be sent immediately to your Deseret Bookshelf. You can access your Bookshelf in one of two ways: 1. on the free Deseret Bookshelf app or 2. with the online web reader.

Deseret Bookshelf Mobile App

Our Deseret Bookshelf app is available to download for free on Apple and Android devices. Our app is supported on any Apple device with iOS 10.0 or greater, and on any Android device with Android 5.0 or greater. To read instructions on how to download the app, see that specific article.

Our app is not supported on Kindle or Nook devices, as their respective companies have removed our app from their devices.

Once you have purchased or downloaded a book, it will be sent directly to your Library on your app. It will initially be stored in the Cloud, ready for you to download. Books in the Cloud are indicated by an icon of a cloud on the cover. Simply tap on the book to begin to download it to your device.

Deseret Bookshelf Web Reader

You will be able to read eBooks online at This site is still in its beta phase, meaning it is still a work in progress. As such, it currently does not have all of the features or functionality that the mobile app has to offer.

COMING SOON -- a new version of the web reader that has all of the functionality and features of the mobile app, plus a little more!

Books Not Showing Up

Sometimes digital content takes a minute to sync, and sometimes your settings could be "hiding" the content so that you can't find it. There are lots of reasons why you may not be able to readily find your books, but here are some steps to reset your settings so that your books will appear:

  1. First, make sure that your device is up to date. An outdated device may be causing issues with your app. Make sure you have at least iOS 10.0 or Android 5.0 on your device. You can check for System Updates in your Settings.
  2. Next, make sure your app is up to date. You can check your app version by going to My Account > Legal Information -- the version number will appear at the top. The most recent version: 5.0.4 (Apple/July.2019), 5.0.3 (Android/July.2019). Log out and log back in to your app. This will kick-start the syncing process between your app and our servers.
  3. Tap on the "My Library" tab in the bottom left to navigate to your Library.
  4. Tap on "My Library" at the top of the screen in white letters. This will drop down a new menu.
  5. Make sure Filter: is set to "All Categories".
  6. Make sure Sort: is set to "Recently Added".
  7. Make sure "All" is selected, and not just 'eBooks' or 'Audio'.
  8. Make sure "Show Downloaded Only" is turned off, or to the left.

Your settings should look like this:

If at this point your books still don't show up in your Library, please verify one more setting:

Once you close the settings menu, under the "My Library" at the top, in the gray portion you should have “All” selected and under that it should say "All Books". To the left of this there will be three lines and to the right it will say "Select". If your app does not say "All Books" in the middle, tap on what it does say, and switch it back to "All Books".

If at this point you still don't see your books in your Library, please give us a call at 1-800-453-4532 or email us at, and our technical support team will be happy to look into your account.

Installing Deseret Bookshelf app

Our app is free on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. The app is supported on any Apple device with iOS 10.0 or higher, and any Android device with Android 5.0 or higher. Our app is not supported on Kindle or Nook devices. Once you have verified that your device will support our app, you can install it by following the steps below:

Apple Devices

  1. Locate the Apple App store on your device. Search for "Deseret Bookshelf". Our app will appear like this:
  2. To begin installation, tap on "GET" or the icon of the cloud. You may need to verify your Apple ID to install.
  3. Wait for the installation to finish. Open the app, and login using your login email and password.
  4. Your owned content will be in the "My Library" tab of the app. It may take up to five minutes for all of your eBooks and mp3 audiobooks to show up in your list. If your device has enough free memory space and consistent, high speed wifi/internet for the initial download then your eBooks and mp3 audiobooks should download and work smoothly.
  5. To delete the app, press and hold your finger on the icon until all of the apps begin to wiggle. Tap on the "X" on the corner of the app, and verify that you want to uninstall it.

Android Devices

  1. Locate the Google Play store on your device. Search for "Deseret Bookshelf". Our app will appear like this:
  2. Tap on the app, and tap on "Install" when it appears.
  3. Wait for the installation to finish. Open the app, and login using your login email and password.
  4. Your owned content will be in the "My Library" tab of the app. It may take up to five minutes for all of your eBooks and mp3 audiobooks to show up in your list. If your device has enough free memory space and consistent, high speed wifi/internet for the initial download then your eBooks and mp3 audiobooks should download and work smoothly.
  5. To delete the app, go to the Google Play Store and search for the Deseret Bookshelf again. Tap on "Uninstall" to remove it from your device.

If you experience any technical difficulties while trying to install the app, please feel free to give us a call at 1-800-453-4532 or send us an email at

Supported Devices

There are several ways you can access your eBooks and audiobooks:

Computers (PC and Mac): use a web browser program like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari and go to and login.

Apple devices (iPad & Iphone): Tap the App Store app icon on your device home screen to go to the Apple App Store, search for "Deseret Bookshelf" and install the Deseret Bookshelf app on your device. The Deseret Bookshelf app works best on Apple devices with iOS 10.0 or higher.

Android devices: tap Google Play Store on your device, search for "Deseret Bookshelf" and install the Deseret Bookshelf app on your device. The Deseret Bookshelf app works best on Android devices with Android 5.0 or higher.

Deseret Book eBooks and mp3 audiobooks are optimized for use at this time in the Deseret Bookshelf app for Apple devices with iOS 10.0 or higher and Android devices with Android 5.0 or higher.

Deseret Bookshelf is not available for Kindle or Nook devices.

Removing Books

Digital content can take up a lot of space on mobile devices. Here I'll show you how to:

  1. Archive a book -- which essentially removes it from your device's storage, and
  2. Remove a Plus book from your Library completely.

Remove from Device (Archive)

Archiving a book will remove it from your device's memory. To do this, find the downloaded book you want to remove. Press and hold your finger on the book cover until a new screen pops up. Once this screen pops up, tap on Remove from Device:

When you archive a book, it will still show up in your Library, in case you wish to re-download it at a later time. While it appears in your Library, it won't take up any space on your device. Books that are archived will appear with an icon of a cloud:

Remove from Library

Some users like to remove archived books from their Library. As it turns out, only books downloaded with Plus can be completely removed from your Library. Your Library is continuously synced with your purchase history so that your Library always stays current and connected when you purchase content. Due to this, users are not able to remove purchased content from their Library, as the order history needs to stay current. However, if it is a book that you have downloaded with Plus, you will be able to completely remove it from your Library.

Follow the same steps that were used when archiving the book. Press and hold your finger on the cover of the book until the new screen pops up. Then, tap on Remove from Library to completely remove the Plus book from your Library.

Streaming Audio Content

If you would like to listen to audio without first downloading the item to your device you can do so.

Choose an audio title you wish to listen to Touch the book to open the chapters list Touch the settings icon that looks like a gear at the top. Make sure the streaming audio toggle is to the right and green. Now when you press play the audio will be streamed over an internet connection rather than played from your device storage. It may have to buffer or load occasionally to maintain your stream.

Collections Guide

Collections are a good way to organize your Library. By default, all of the books you own will appear in your Library. If you would like to organize and separate books, and the filters just won't cut it, then you will be able to organize books into their own Collection.

To start off, you'll notice that by default, your Library is set to the Collection: "All Books". All of the books you own will be a part of this Collection.

Create a New Collection

From the My Library tab, tap on "All Books", or whatever name of the Collection you are in.

Once this new screen opens, tap on "New Collection". You will then be able to name the Collection whatever you would like. Tap on "Done" when you are finished naming the Collection. You can always rename the Collection by tapping on "Edit" in the top left corner of the Collections screen.

Adding Books to a Collection

To add books to a Collection, you will need to navigate back to the "All Books" Collection. You can do this by tapping on the name of your current Collection at the top of the screen and then tapping on "All Books". Once you are in the "All Books" Collection, tap on "Select" in the top right corner of your Library. You will notice that the books will then have a green circle imposed on the cover. Simply tap on any book you would like to select to add to your Collection. Selected books will have the circle filled with a check mark in the middle. Once you are done selecting all of the books you would like to add, tap on "Add" in the top left corner of your Library. Then select the Collection you would like to add the selected books to.

Once you have added the books to your Collection, you will be able to navigate to your Collection by tapping on the Collection name at the top of the screen, and tapping on the Collection you would like to see. You will notice that only the books you have added will appear here.

Removing Books from a Collection

To remove a book from a Collection, tap on "Select" in the top right corner of the screen. You will notice the selection circles will appear on the book covers. Select the books that you would like to remove, and tap on the icon of the garbage can. This will remove the book from that Collection. Note, this will not remove the book from "All Books", nor will it remove it from your device -- just that Collection.

My Markups Guide


From left to right:

Highlighter -- use this to color in or underline text.

Tag -- use this to tag a selection as a certain topic, for easy finding later.

Note -- add a note to the selected text, to record any information you would like to remember later.

Link -- link the selection to a different passage of text in your Library.

Bookmark -- add a bookmark at this specific location.

Share -- send this passage to someone via text, or create an image quote to share on social media.

Copy -- copy the selection to your device's clipboard, and you can Paste it wherever you would like.

Quote -- add the selection to your Quote Vault.


You can add bookmarks to individual pages in eBooks or on individual chapters on audiobooks. To add a bookmark, simply tap on the icon that looks like a rectangle with triangle cut out of the bottom -- this resembles a bookmark! Then, tap on "New Bookmark". In an eBook, you will be given the opportunity to name the bookmark. Type what you would like to remember, and then tap on the green check to save the bookmark, or the red x to cancel.

Once you have a bookmark saved, it will appear in the "Bookmarks in this eBook". This can be accessed by tapping on the bookmark icon again. To go to the bookmark, simply tap on it. To move a bookmark, you can simply tap on the rounded arrow of a previous bookmark, or you can add a "New Bookmark" and delete the old ones.

You will be able to manage all of your bookmarks from your My Markups page. The book will have to be downloaded to manage bookmarks, but you will be able to remove bookmarks or quickly access them from this page.


To add a tag to a passage, press and hold your finger on a passage of text, and adjust the boundaries of the desired selection, then tap on the "Tag" icon. You will be able to tag the selected passage by either creating a new tag, or by selecting an existing one. For example, you can tag a selection as "Faith". In the My Markups page, you will be able to see all of the tags you have created, as well as a quick link to all of the passages you have tagged as that topic.


To add a note to a passage of text, press and hold your finger on the text, and adjust the boundaries of the desired selection, then tap on the "Note" icon. A new screen will pop up that will allow you to type anything you desire, and will save the note to the spot you selected. You will notice a "Note" icon next to the text. You can tap on the icon to view the note you have saved. You may also manage and view your notes by book in the My Markups tab.


To highlight a passage of text, press and hold your finger on the text, and adjust the boundaries of the desired selection, then tap on the "Highlighter" icon. The last color/style you used will be the default for the highlight. To change this, tap once on the highlighted section, and the pop-up will contain new images. Tap on the color palette to bring up the different options for the highlight. Here you can choose the color of the highlight, as well as if you want to simply underline or fill in the entire selection with the selected color. You will be able to view all of your highlights sorted by book in the My Markups tab.

Gift an Ebook or MP3

At this time we do not have a way to send an ebook or mp3 audio book as a gift. We recommend sending a gift gift card and giving a suggestion to the recipient of the book you would like them to use it on.