FREE SHIPPING on orders of $49 or more. Exclusions apply.
Order Status
When you place an order, it usually takes 2-3 business days before it leaves our warehouse. As soon as it leaves our warehouse, you will receive an email with information about tracking your order. This email will inform you which company was used for shipping.*You will be able to track your order by entering your tracking number in the corresponding website:
International/Canada Standard:
International/Canada Express
Tracking My Order
Deseret Book uses a variety of companies to ship and deliver your order. Tracking numbers are provided for most shipments. It is not unusual, however, for some packages to not have daily updates on the tracking and in some cases may not update for a few days. Some reasons for not seeing updates in the tracking may be:
- Delays in scanning events and website updates.
- Package may not be scanned until it reaches a hub near the destination
- Shipment is done by a consolidator (sorted by one company and then handed over to USPS for delivery) and does only provides updates on pick up and then again on delivery.
- The delivery time quoted is still valid even if the package isn't showing any movement when you track the package. To review estimated shipping times visit:
- United States
- Canada
- International
If you see not status changes on tracking after 7 business days for standard US mail, please contact us at
Tracking Websites
USPS Delivery:
DHL Standard:
DHL Express:
Shipping Discounts
Shipping for orders is calculated by item. Small items (stickers, bookmarks, etc) will receive automatic bulk shipping discounts instead of shipping per item. If you notice any discrepancies in your shipping costs for large-quantity orders, please contact us at 1-800-453-4532.
Free Shipping Promotions
From time to time Deseret Book offers Free Shipping promotions. These promotions are good on Continental United States rates only. Applies only to standard shipping rates. All others get discount based on US standard rate. Surcharges will still apply. Good on in-stock items only.
Shipping to Correctional Facilities
Deseret Book is able to ship from our warehouse to correctional facilities. You can place your order online or by calling 1-800-453-4532. Incarcerated individuals can order by mail at:
Deseret Book Orders
PO Box 30178
Salt Lake City UT 84130
Our retail store locations are not able to ship to correctional facilities.
Each facility has their own rules regarding shipping to prisoners. Please be aware of these rules prior to placing your order as we are unable to know the rules for every facility in the country. Some general guidelines are:
- Some correctional facilities only accept shipments from authorized companies. For instance, Deseret Book is not on the approved list for the Utah State Prison and all packages will be returned to us. Please be sure the place you are sending the order to accepts packages from Deseret Book.
- Most correctional facilities will not accept the following: Hardback books, cassettes, CD's, DVD's,spiral bound books, and Leather bound books including scriptures.
- Some correctional facilities have a limit as to how many items can come to a prisoner in one package.
Please know the guidelines for the particular correctional facility prior to placing your order.
Cancel Order/Item(s) From Order
If your order has not yet begun processing in our warehouse we can still make a cancelation of the order or item(s) on your order. To request a cancelation please email us at or you can call during regular business hours at 1-800-453-4532. Please include your order number and/or the email you used when placing the order along with your request.
If the order/item cannot be canceled click here to review our Returns Information.
Order Online Pick Up In store
Currently the option to order online and have your order sent to a retail store to pick up is unavailable. We will have this feature again in the near future.
Due to size, weight, or special handling, additional shipping charges (surcharge) may apply to large pictures, emergency preparedness items, multi-volume sets, and figurines This charge varies based on the size and weight of the item.
Pre-Order Surcharge
Items that are labeled as Pre-order may have a separate shipping and handling charge.
Shipping and Handling Information
Information Regarding Shipping Estimates
- Estimates are calculated in business days after the parcel leaves the Deseret Book warehouse. Business Days are Monday thru Friday and exclude holidays that shipping carriers are closed for operations.
- Processing time for in-stock items is typically 1-2 business days but can extend longer during high volume seasons.
- You will be notified by email when your package is shipped and will include a link for the tracking information. It is not uncommon for the tracking information to not be updated by the carrier until the following day.
- Military Installations (APO/FPO) – Time quoted is the time the order will arrive at the US entry point into the military postal system and may not be the final delivery to the addressee.
Additional Shipping Information
- Deseret Book partners with a variety of shipping companies including USPS, First Mile, FedEx, UPS, DHL, DHL Global, and others. Some packages may be picked up and sorted by one company but then delivered by another company or the local postal system. Some orders will come in multiple shipments.
International Shipping Information
- International orders that are over $200 (USD) should select priority shipping so that the package is insured. If standard shipping is selected on a large or expensive orders it may not be eligible for a refund if it becomes lost or damaged in transit.
- Food items, including food storage items, emergency preparedness food, and 72 Hour Kits that contain food items cannot be shipped internationally. If ordered, the package may be rejected at the destination country and returned or destroyed.
Shipments outside the United States may be subject to tariffs, duties, value added taxes (VAT) and other customs fees. The customer/recipient for all international orders is the importer of record; as such, all customs duties, fees, and taxes are the responsibility of the customer/recipient. The customer/recipient must comply with all laws and regulations of the destination country. The charges will vary from country to country and may change from time to time. (Brazil and Peru are reportedly taxing imports at rates as high as 100% of the declared value). Due to import duty valuation adjustments and currency valuations, we are unable to provide an estimate for these fees and taxes for international orders. We recommend that international customers contact their local customs office for details on how these charges are assessed and collected. Any package refused by the customer/recipient because of customs, duties, taxes, or other fees will be abandoned in the destination country by the courier and are not eligible for refunds from Deseret Book.
Exchange Rates
All pricing and invoicing are in U.S. dollars and must be paid for in U.S. Funds. For current exchange rates visit: